About Timothi

Timothi Williams, mezzo-soprano, is a West Virginia native and a graduate of  Pennsylvania State University where she received her Master of Music degree in Vocal  Performance and Pedagogy. She received her Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal  Performance from West Liberty University in 2014. In addition, Ms. Williams also holds  a Professional Performance Certificate from the Penn State School of Music.  

Timothi has had the pleasure of performing several operatic roles on stage such as Jo  March in Mark Adamo’s Little Women, Rosina in Rossini’s Il Barbiere di  Siviglia, Ruggiero in Handel’s Alcina, Dinah in Bernstein’s Trouble in Tahiti, Mélisande  in Debussy’s Pelléas et Mélisande, Dido in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, Donna Curson in  Mozart/Guerreiro's Figaro 90210, Maddalena in Verdi’s Rigoletto and Hansel in Hansel  and Gretel. 

Quickly gaining popularity as a soloist, Ms. Williams performs regularly with many  orchestral, vocal, and chamber ensembles throughout the east coast and particularly  throughout the Pittsburgh area. She has been making debuts in opera programs around  the country, most recently in Duluth, MN with Lyric Opera of the North. She looks  forward to many new symphonic endeavors in the year ahead. 

Among her most notable credits, Timothi was named a Metropolitan Opera National  Council Audition Winner (Pittsburgh District) in 2018, and again in 2021 under its new  name, The Metropolitan Opera Laffont Competition. 

Timothi has a passion for education and enjoys sharing the gift of voice with others  through her private voice studio, offering masterclasses, and teaching at the university  level. She is currently on the voice faculty at Slippery Rock University, where she acts  as Adjunct Professor of Voice, and Director of Opera Performance. Recently, Timothi  was selected as the music department representative for the President’s Award:  Excellence in Teaching. When not performing or teaching, she enjoys spending time  with daughter Kennedy, and dogs Millie and Tober.